Are you worried about passing an upcoming hair follicle drug test?
We've updated our recommendations for 2025!
So, you have hair drug testing coming up, and you really need to pass it to keep your life together!
It's super tough and you're under a lot of pressure when your family is depending on you to take care of them and pay the bills.
More and more employers are requiring drug tests to apply for a job. And medical care providers have also started requiring more tests to confirm a patient's condition before making final treatment decisions.
When you're trying hard to get things together, any recent drug use can be a big roadblock.
Imagine if you could clear these drug toxins out of your system and experience better financial, physical, and mental health, giving you a fresh start.
The best hair follicle detox shampoo might be just what you need to get everything back on track!
Here's part of the problem. The ability to detect toxic substances, especially in hair follicle tests, has greatly improved.
THC metabolites can stay in the hair shaft for up to 90 days, making the hair follicle test the most difficult to pass.
And everyone wants to know, can you fail a drug test for CBD?
Before you learn more about how we choose the best products for you, watch this short video that answers your CBD questions:
How We Choose Our Favorites
We know you need a quality hair follicle cleanser when so much is riding on a hair follicle drug test.
We know you don't have enough time in the day to research all that yourself, so we've done it for you!
Since our last update, we've discovered a much better product resource than our previous recommendations. There is so much more for you to learn and understand!
We've considered ease of use, how long it takes to complete the process, how long the effects will last, how often the treatments must be repeated, the experiences of real users, and how much they cost.
Scroll through the list to learn about the best hair follicle detox shampoos for your needs, and read through some more information in the FAQs below. You can also click through to any product to get more information or current pricing.
Please note that many detox shampoos are designed to work alone, however, the best results seem to come in combination with other products.
Our top recommendation for shampoo that detoxes hair and the first alternative are combination products, making them a bit pricier, but the most likely to ensure the best possible result.
The companion products include ingredients that many use as home remedy products in one convenient product. We encourage you to do your research to ensure your best possible outcome.
If you are less familiar with hair follicle drug testing and what all this means for you, you may want to jump to the FAQs at the bottom of this article to get a better understanding of the process before you look at specific products.
Can You Commit? It's Not a Piece of Cake!
If you are truly serious about passing your upcoming test, watch this video about The Original Macujo Method.
You're going to have to commit time and money. It's a rigorous, but highly successful process. We just want you to know what it's going to take before you get started!
The primary product in this video is Our #1 Top FeedbackFind.
We have also included the three best alternatives to allow you to do additional research before making a final decision about something this important.
Our Top FeedbackFind

The Ultimate Macujo Method Product
OLD STYLE ALOE TOXIN RID SHAMPOO with Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
This product is also available in a 2-pack bundle!
Why It's A Winner
The original Old Style Aoe Toxin Rid Shampoo in combination with the Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo and the Original Macujo Method in the video above are your best bet for passing an upcoming hair follicle test. This product and method have stood the test of time with users just like you!
This product as well as the alternatives are relatively pricey, but designed to get the job done.
The product information page has a ton of useful information and instruction as well as customer reviews just below the product description and pricing. They do a great job explaining it all, so we decided to send you there instead of doing the old copy/paste when we didn't write it ourselves.
We're just not comfortable making a different top product recommendation for a hair stripping shampoo for drug test when the results for this one have been so fantastic and the outcome is so important. It's not the best time to experiment any more than necessary!
Our Top 3 Alternatives for Comparison Purposes

Macujo Aloe Rid Old Formula Shampoo With Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
This is an alternative to the Aloe Toxin Rid Combo. This combo is currently significantly more expensive than our first choice above. We are including it here for comparison purposes.
What to Consider
This unique shampoo was created by a group of experienced chemists and is capable of removing damaging substances from your hair, leaving it healthy and strong. It can remove heavy metals, pollutants, and residual medication.
Macujo Aloe Rid Old Formula Shampoo With Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo was tested for two years prior to being available to the market to ensure its effectiveness.
The Macujo Aloe Rid formula was designed to compete with a pricier Nexxus product that is no longer available. You will see an ingredient list that identifies the key ingredient that allows these products to be so successful.
This formula is more expensive than our top recommendation. The downside from an evaluation perspective is that the average review is 3 stars. You should also read ultra cleanse shampoo reviews.
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Best Selling Single Product, Very Affordable on Amazon
Also available at Test Clear - but there's a twist!The Zydot product alone is more expensive at Test Clear, BUT the combo package including the Toxin Aloe Rid is significantly cheaper than other resources. You will really need both products to be successful, but we felt it was important to include the option here for you!
What to Consider
This shampoo is the #1 seller on Amazon for a reason - it's easy to use and customers have shared positive results. A manufacturer's money-back guarantee makes this product appealing.
Did you ever hear of the "Zydot Ultra Clean erfahrung?" That's a fancy phrase for the Zydot Ultra Clean experience!"
Does ultra cleanse detox shampoo work? This product provides just one use. While it is significantly less expensive, you will notice in the reviews that most customers combined this product with a variety of home products for the full method referred to as the "Macujo" method (as shown in the video above) for successful results.
We would recommend researching this method and comparing the cost to purchase the additional products in comparison to our top recommendation above.
Some customers were successful with this product alone, but honestly, this would be a minority.
Use the link below to read some of the ultra cleanse detox shampoo reviews. We would recommend this product only if the purchase price of the top choice is completely out-of-reach and you need to give something a try.
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What to Consider
This shampoo uses Liquipsyll 4 to get rid of all residue, synthetics, and buildup that can clog pores and follicles.
It has some fantastic benefits for all shampooers, because it is fast-acting formula and is specifically designed to remove all residue and build-up from your hair, leaving it feeling soft, silky, and healthy.
This makes it the perfect shampoo for those who want to switch to a more natural and chemical-free option.
However, we are repeating the same advice from above that holds true for this product as well:
This product provides just one use. While it is significantly less expensive, you will notice in the reviews that most customers combined this product with a variety of home products for the full method referred to as the "Macujo" method (as shown in the video above) for successful results.
We would recommend researching this method and comparing the cost to purchase the additional products in comparison to our top recommendation above.
Some customers were successful with this product alone, but honestly, this would be a minority. We would recommend this product only if the purchase price of the top choice is completely out-of-reach and you need to give something a try.
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Are there any more options?
We're going to share a few products available on Amazon that are relatively inexpensive but have mixed reviews.
Stinger Detox Folli-Kleen - this product is designed to provide "basic" hair detoxification for hair health. However, it isn't designed to provide the specific, quick, difficult, or targeted detox need to pass a drug hair test. You can always check the Stinger Detox Folli-Kleen Reviews by clicking through the link above.
And check out reviews for the High Voltage Detox Shampoo option.
We are often asked for "Jazz Detox Shampoo Reviews." This product is no longer readily available on Amazon. It seemed to have very poor reviews, but it still being sold elsewhere. Like the Stinger product, it's really not designed for an immediate drug hair detox that would assist in passing the test.
Products Used in the Macujo Method
This is a listing of the products used in the Macujo Method. These are all readily available on Amazon and in most drugstores or groceries. You may even have many of these on hand already! The primary Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo combo recommended above is available for the best price on TestClear.com
- Rubber Gloves: your basic kitchen gloves work fine
- Googles: safety goggles or an old swim pair works fine
- Shower Cap: a basic reusable or disposable cap, or plastic wrap will do - these are pretty cheap and not the best, but at least you can just throw them away, and they are about the same price as others like these lovely polka-dot caps!
- Heinz Vinegar: Yes, the same one you'd use in your salad dressing. But in this context, it's not for adding tang to your food but for opening up your hair cuticles. You can use White or Apple Cider. We haven't seen a diffference in effectiveness.
- Clean and Clear Pink Astringent: This is a clarifying astringent usually for the face which contains salicylic acid. This product further assists in the cuticle-opening process. (This is often referred to as the Clean and Clear Pink Shampoo in various method instructions.)
- Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo: This is the key product that is widely recognized as an effective detox shampoo, and it is our top recommendation above. This is in a bundle with Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo (listed below.) Make sure to use the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid version for best results.
- Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent: Now, before you raise an eyebrow, remember that this method is all about flushing out those stubborn metabolites from your hair, and Tide has proven to be quite effective in this regard. Use original Tide Liquid Detergent - nothing with added scents or softening properties.
- Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo: This is an effective detoxifying shampoo that can be bought in a combo pack with the Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo as we recommend above. It is also available singly.
Hair Follicle Drug Test and Detox Shampoo FAQs
It can be hard to know what to do and what products to use when you need to pass a hair follicle drug test. And a lot of people are unfamiliar with what they mean and how they work.
We hope this information will help you to make the best decision for your needs.
What Substances Can Be Detected in a Hair Follicle Test?
First things first, what substances can be detected by a hair follicle test?
Technology has advanced to the point that these tests are considered to be one of the most accurate methods to detect illegal substances.
Unlike a urine drug test, hair follicle drug tests are designed to detect marijuana, amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, opiates, PCP, Fentanyl, Xanax, and more.
How does a drug end up in your hair?
When using any drug, the substance is carried through your bloodstream. Your bloodstream supplies your whole body including your hair follicles. So along with healthy substances, toxins and impurities are carried throughout the body. These unnecessary substances begin to accumulate in the hair follicle and can remain detectable even after three months.
How do they test your hair?
The test will be performed in a lab that will be able to chemically detect the drug substances.
The lab tech will collect about 120 hairs from the top of the head but may use other body hair if needed due to thinning hair or baldness.
The strands are then tested for different chemicals using a two-step process to rule out false negative results.
What is Hair Detox Shampoo?
Do detox shampoos actually work?
Detox shampoo is designed to remove the buildup of product ingredients, toxins, dirt, and to clean oily hair. These are commonly used to remove dandruff and dead skin cells. These shampoos can penetrate your hair strands to allow the impurities to be washed away leaving behind cleaner, shinier hair.
A detox hair shampoo for THC and other drugs is a detoxifying agent that washes out oil, dirt, and product buildup that traditional shampoos and conditioners may not be able to remove. You need to purchase a specialty hair follicle shampoo that actually works. You can buy a hair follicle detox shampoo in stores and online.
Will I pass the test if I use a detox shampoo?
It is very important to read the package instructions and information because detox shampoos are designed very differently.
Some are designed to use just before a hair drug test and others need to be used for a greater amount of time to ensure the drug has been removed from the hair follicle to get the maximum internal hair purifying treatment benefit.
You also need to pay attention to how much time the product will be effective. For example, some products will work immediately but you only have 8 hours after using the product to complete the hair drug test.
The package information will indicate for which conditions it would be more effective. For example, some products indicate they are better for light to moderate drug use and not heavy drug use. Hair type can also be a factor.It is also common to use a variety of home remedies in combination with detox shampoo. These include things like baking soda, vinegar, laundry detergent, and baking soda.These methods can help ensure the best outcome, but they can take a huge toll on your scalp and hair. Plus it will take more time to complete the prescribed routine. Because some of the recommended ingredients include acids, you will need to wear gloves and goggles.
While this may seem extreme to some, it all depends on the amount of drug use, hair type, and the time available until the test. We would recommend extreme caution if you need to utilize this method.
One of these methods commonly mentioned as the most effective is called the "Macujo" method. Refer to the video above for a great explanation of this process.
Can hair bleaching help pass a hair follicle drug test?
Technically yes, but this is super bad for your skin, hair, and lung because bleach is so toxic.
It is estimated that bleaching can reduce THC substances in your hair from 40% - 80% which may not be enough on its own to pass the test. We would not recommend this method.
What is a saliva test for marijuana?
Some tests are done using a saliva sample and return results immediately.
We have not reviewed saliva products specifically, but the most common product recommended to assist in passing this test is a product called Ultra Klean Wash which is a saliva cleansing mouth wash. Be sure to read Ultra Klean Wash reviews, sometimes misspelled as an Ultra Clean mouthwash review.
Reviews are mixed but clearly offer some positive feedback.
Our Best Advice
We hope you have learned a lot from reading the best shampoo to pass hair follicle drug test reviews and that you have identified a detox shampoo that will provide the solution you need.
It's so important to understand what you can and cannot expect from these best hair toxin removal shampoo brands.
Our top recommendation for the best hair detox shampoo is based on options that will work for a variety of circumstances.
Overall, you will find the most comprehensive set of solutions and loads of information about detox and detox products at Test Clear. We think you'll be impressed with what they have to offer.
If you still have questions about the best hair detox shampoos, scroll back through the product information above or use the quick links below to read more about a specific product.
You will also see the current pricing which may help you make your final decision.
Our Top FeedbackFind
OLD STYLE ALOE TOXIN RID SHAMPOO with Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Our Top 3 Alternatives for Comparison Purposes
Best High Review Average, Pricey, but Not As Much
Macujo Aloe Rid Old Formula Shampoo With Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Best Selling Single Product, Ultra Klean Shampoo, Very Affordable
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Best Reviewed Single Product, Affordable
Omni Detoxifying Hair Cleansing Shampoo
We wish you the best of luck in passing your test!
😀Have a Happy Hair Day ~ Daisy
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